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The Best Ways to Generate Leads from Your Blog

22 December 2022
The best Ways to Generate Leads from Your Blog

Leads are your pathway to increasing the customer base, more sales and thereby elevating your profits graphs. So, that is next to necessary for every digital marketer. This is where we love to showcase how we work! Over the years, our strategic research has brought forward result oriented Ways to Generate Leads from Your Blog and that will help you in the long run.

We have a simple principle that drives the right answers for each of our works. Give value to get value and that is what the blogs that we frame out – will give you. So, high blogs will be the platforms to generate leads, but you need to know how to generate those leads aptly across various situations. Come along with us as we break down the whole process of lead generation through the world of blogs.


Create Valuable Lead Magnets


Downloadable pieces of content that provide value to the audience in exchange for their information are called Lead Magnets. One of the best ways to generate leads from your blog is to tempt people to sign up for your email list. This can be done by offering a free resource aimed at solving the problems of the target market. The lead magnets should be closer to the content of your blog post so that the conversation rate will be higher. Preparing checklists are one of the effective lead magnets for blog content.


Write on Unique Topics


Finding gaps in knowledge or expertise in the blogging world are very important in generating leads from your blog. Choose a topic that hasn’t been over-blogged about in the past. After making wide research, you have to write a stunning blog on this unique topic. The readers will get a deeper understanding of the topic and lead you to have valuable networking opportunities.


Offer Exclusive, Gated Content


Always tease the readers with an exclusive topic that will help them more than free blog content. Providing value in your regular blog posts is the key to doing this right, in addition to going further in-depth with the exclusive content. After sharing valuable information offer a full version of the content or guide that aligns with the content in your blog post. You could ask readers to sign up for a webinar or listen to a podcast and they won’t hesitate to fill out your form if you are delivering value to your reader.


Add Pop-Ups Strategically to Your Blog


In the center of the screen create a pop-up window that appears after a few seconds of scrolling through the blog. Here you are tempting the reader to sign up for a blog newsletter by entering their email address and this is an effective way to generate more leads from your blog. Some well known authorities like ‘Marketing Profs’ uses time delay pop-ups to create leads on their blog. Use exit pop-ups as a last ditch effort so that readers don’t have to take the extra step of going to a landing page.


Always Include a Call to Action (CTA)


One of the most popular Ways to Generate Leads from Your Blog would be this one. Even if you are creating amazing pieces of content, forgetting to put any CTA or only placing CTA buttons at the end of the post result in less generation of leads. Your visit-to-lead conversation rate will increase by adding a Call-to-Action button in the middle of the blog post. Bloggers are supposed to get the visitors to do something like sign up, download, contact you, and without compelling CTA results in a lead loss. CTA’s can be also placed in the side bar or on top of the post and are necessary for post click landing pages.


Use a Hello Bar on Your Blog


Using a ‘Hello Bar at the top of your blog posts is a popular way to generate blog leads. The Hello Bar spans your page and within the bars, you can include an attractive call to action like providing an e-book. These contain a CTA which helps the audience to squeeze pages without being overly invasive. The ‘Hello Bar’ can be a powerful tool for lead generation as these bars have a high conversion rate to sign up forms within a blog article


Use The Right Keywords


Bloggers need to understand what content they need to provide to compete with their competitors and what exactly people are searching for. You can identify hidden opportunities and create high  quality, keyword-informed content using tools like SEMRush or Ahrefs. To generate more leads from your blog, you should create an article that ranks for informational keywords as well as commercial keywords. This SEO strategy helps to find out what your target audience actually intends to know about. You are creating a personal brand by providing solutions to the customer’s questions and this helps to generate sales qualified leads.


Include More Case Studies


Nowadays case studies have become an indispensable tool for websites and blogs. Case studies are considered one of the most effective strategies for lead generation as well as prospect nurturing. If you can invest enough time and effort to analyze a situation and can offer proven results, then the trust of the audience will be increased. Summarizing the study, writing a step-by-step guide to all challenges, and writing a conclusion with a call to action are some of the tips to follow when you’re dealing with case studies.


Create Landing Pages That Convert Easily


All landing pages are not built equally and you will find out the majority of them perform poorly. The first step in making a brilliant landing page is writing a compelling headline that is captivating and strong. Your landing page should be super fast and it should create interest as the audience moves down the copy. Highlighting the benefits of your services using bullet points, and creating an appealing visual such as a personal photo are some of the tips which can generate more leads from your blog.


Offer Content Upgrades


Content upgrades are specific lead magnets or marketing offers about the blog posts and you can achieve high conversion rates by implementing content upgrades in your blogs. For example, if the blog post is based on setting up Google Analytics, you can add the content upgrade as an exclusive video that displays people how to do it. Also, you can create a short pdf summary that contains important points that you have mentioned in your blog. Even though this is a time consuming process, it will help you to generate more leads.


Share Your Blog Content on Social Media


Social media is one of the best platforms to promote your blog. It is difficult to catch users through social media as many other brands are trying to do the same thing. Nowadays users will not be interested in a lot of reading. So grabbing users’ attention all over these social platforms requires adding a popular choice of memes, videos, etc. These will tempt them to read more about your blog post, generating more leads.

Here we have 11 great methods that have ticked off the lead generation process in the right process. You just need to be ready to experiment, open your mind and find what helps you to connect with the target audience. Once the connection is built in the way of communication via blogs, your work is half baked to perfection. 


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