Artificial Intelligence

Take your business to the next level with intelligence on historical & real-time data powered by our Artificial Intelligence services in the UAE.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Company in Dubai, UAE

WebCastle AI solutions empower data scientists to work on projects faster and more efficiently to accomplish key machine learning tasks quickly. By delivering feature engineering, model validation, model tuning, model selection and deployment, machine learning interpretability and automatic pipeline generation for model scoring.

Intelligent Decision Making
Cost Saving

Tools & Technologies

Microsoft Azure
IBM Watson

Our Areas of Expertise in Artificial Intelligence:

We are one of the top artificial intelligence companies in UAE that provide businesses with an extensible customizable AI and data science solution that addresses the needs of a variety of use cases for enterprises.

AI Maturity Assessment for Enterprises

WebCastle is one of the few AI companies in Dubai that has developed a proprietary methodology, based on deep experience and aligned with global best practices, to assess the artificial intelligence readiness and software development and deployment processes within any enterprise.

AI Driven Market Intelligence

AI offers banks and other financial institutions a cross-channel product recommender solution that can support sales, marketing, and product rollout. The system helps enterprises to generate customer profiles, group clients based on different features such as behavior, activities and preferences, demographic data, user’s past preferences, paid product lifetime value, rejected offers and many others.

Feature Engineering

Feature Engineering is the process of identifying features in a given dataset, creating new features based on insights from data and preparing the features relevant to the models selected. The techniques used in this process are called transformers.

Custom AI Models

WebCastle will support our customers with custom machine learning models, transformers, or scorers (classification or regression), written in Python. Data scientists can bring their own models or leverage the open-source libraries available by the community and curated by WebCastle data science experts.

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